Karinya Youth Transitional Tenancy (KYTT)

KYTT is available for a young person aged 16 to 24 who is at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness.  Our program provides safe, affordable, and suitable transitional housing for up to two years with intensive wrap around support tailored to the young person's needs.

Program Information

All young people in our program receive dedicated support from our KYTT Case Manager and Living and Life Skill Educator. Operating within a trauma-informed practice framework, we acknowledge the experiences of young people who have faced homelessness, understanding the trauma they may have endured. We recognise the profound effects of trauma on mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and we are committed to addressing its lasting impact.

Transitional Housing:  Our program provides safe and affordable transitional housing for up to two years as a foundation for addressing homelessness.

Access to Education, Training, Employment, and Income:   Supporting a young person with accessing education and training, increasing opportunities to find employment and achieving financial independence.

Health and Wellbeing Support: To enhance a young person’s wellbeing to improve their quality of life, encourage self-sufficiency, and connect with external services.

Social Inclusion:   Providing a young person with opportunities to build positive relationships, connect with supportive networks, engage with their community, maintain cultural ties, and participate in meaningful activities